The Investigation of Parasympathetic System mediated Uterine Smooth Muscle Contraction

This experiment investigates the influences of the parasympathetic nervous system on uterine contractions and the effect of muscarinic receptor in the uterus smooth muscle cells on parasympathetic response. This question was explored by testing the influence of different drugs (ACh, atropine and curare) on isolated rat (Mus musculus) uterus in muscle bath, the muscle contraction was recorded by the isotonic transducer.

GEOB 270 Final Project on Vancouver Island Tsunami Vulnerability

Due to the recent climate change, the weathering events have influenced the world in many aspects including flooding, earthquake and volcano eruption etc. Among those, the threat of the potential tsunami that hitting the West coast of Canada has been loomed for years. Therefore a group project was designed to investigate the risk of tsunami on two very representative cities--Tofino and Ucluelet.